AMA Recap: Mega Ventures x Oracula

Host: Q1) We’d love to get Acquainted, Please give us a brief Introduction of yourself and the team behind Oracula. Also, tell us a little about the innovation of Oracula.
Kindly reply with “ Go Oracula!” after you’ve finished answering a particular Question to avoid being interrupted
Julia: so, as you all know my name is Julia, I’m representative of Oracula team and I’m responsible for partnerships arrangements and marketing
For me the history of crypto was always very telling on what stake it holds in the future of finance and I liked terribly the idea that you can bet and get predictions on real events and get money out of it, based on the transparency of this ecosystem, and that’s how I found my place in Oracula.
Oracula team consists of the most skilled and amazing team of experts who have great experience in web development, as well as successfully launched crypto projects. Team puts a lot of effort into producing our tokenomics, product and its features, roadmap and vision in the way it is today.
Our goal is to revolutionize the world of prediction by implementing smth to the market that many users have been missing or haven’t seen before at all. We want to bring a completely unique experience for our users and the whole prediction markets industry.
Host Q2) Now, tell us please, what Is Oracula all about, tell us about it’s features and Its benefits. Basically tell us the problems you are trying to solve with Oracula
Julia: The Oracula project itself stands out as a DeFi Prediction Markets.You can bet on Sports, Esports, Politics, Entertaiment, Crypto and many other interesting topics. We are not like the centralized betting platforms. Oracula is completely the opposite and is built on decentralized blockchain networks that are designed to function without third-party middlemen and with the usage of hard-coded smart contracts that automate the platform’s functions.
We’ve put much effort into making the best forecasting tool for people who like to make bets, blockchain enthusiasts and investors interested in placing their funds in a common liquidity pool and gaining big profits from a very demanding and successfully developing industry.
Also, Oracula has great amount of features that distinguish it from its competitors. As I’ve mentioned, Oracula is completely the opposite form centralized platforms. No middlemen and no staff analysts, instead we will have dynamic independent coefficients formed by the players themselves and each user can personally track all the transactions and processes on the platform, and absolutely honestly receive the rewards.

Here you can also see what distinguishes us from other platforms:
And also read a detailed article about each feature:
To conclude, we see this platform as a community-driven product where you as a holder will be deciding about all of the exciting features to be developed, regulating fees, participating in votings for partnerships,burns, next milestones, deflationary mechanisms and wealth of the project
Host: Q3) While making our research on your web, the Team at MegaVentures Noticed $ORACULA has been called “1 token for all activities”. Can you tell us about this? What are It’s Various Utilities and how can it be Earned.
Julia: Utility token $ORACULA is used to predict events outcome, create/supervise markets,providing liquidity, yield farming, and even governance mechanisms. Forecasting markets aggregate the different thoughts and opinions of people around the world, and just such forecasts are the most valuable and accurate.
No one feels left behind or without a voice in the Oracula ecosystem. With the collection of $ORACULA tokens you will be able to bring changes to the future improvements of the platform, unlock unique NFT, have access to private events with bigger rewards.
Also, we have developed burn & buyback systems along with Governance where people will decide which mechanisms to turn on for healthy growth of the product. We have many interesting features to make our token profitable for long term hold
We’re going to use the most of the market could offer in terms of technologies and possibilities with maximum utility usecases for our token. So, it still will be attractive for short-term holders (flippers) but along the road we will implement so many features that we will get the most loyal and healthy community that will be looking for the growth with us. As we see this product as a future of betting and prediction markets
Host: Q4) Have you already made some Partnership deals, can you tell us about some of these, and are you open to more Partnerships?
Julia: We’ve partnered with GPool, Maison Capital, Rigel Protocol,, DAOLand, DAOLaunch, DAOStarter, CC Capital, Erax, NFT Moon Metaverse and Aquaris. More details on each partnership you can find on our Telegram and Twitter in the pinned messages:
We are always open for new partnerships and at the moment we also actively negotiate about some more further partnerships & strategic cooperations. And FYI, many with whom we negotiate show great interest in our team and our project!
Our advisors and backers have both skills in successful launch of DeFi project & development. Those teams have great backgrounds. One of our advisors is Serial Entrepreneur & Investor, Been in crypto Market since 2017 and Founder of Alphablockz ,an Fullstack Incubator for Blockchain projects and also has been advisor to many promising Projects. He brings his expertise in Marketing, Tokenomics, Business Strategies and Fundraising!
Host: Q5) Finally, can you tell us your current achievements and what stage on your road map are you? Also, can you share a Bit about the Security state of Oracula.
Julia: We have great test results with our initial MVP of the platform and we’re getting closer to our listing event. At the moment, Oracula launches its private alpha version of the platform on 11 of April and the listing is scheduled on the end of April. You can find more info here:
From next big milestones I should mention: Crosschain integration to Polygon, such features as: Multibets, Team battles, Live events, Partners integrations and mutual events, CEX listing, Microgames and many other great events I better to keep as surprises 😁

As you can see, our roadmap highlights the main steps and sets the goals that we are going to achieve in the near future. We have a lot of plans and ideas, and we will definitely try to make the best product that will satisfy even the most demanding audience!
As for security
We do not want to undermine the credibility of our users and investors and we value the security of our users when handling our native token $ORACULA, that’s why we’ve put a lot of effort into providing our users with the maximum security and transparency of the platform. We’ve passed KYC and three audits, including Hacken, and moreover, all the transactions and processes on the platform can be tracked by the user himself.
Here are links on our Audits and KYC:
Hacken Audit:
Coinscope Audit:
TechRate Audit:
Twitter Q1) From @XrushSpace
On your website, I viewed 2 options that are “How to Play” and “How to Create”. How these 2 are different in functionalities?
Julia: In function “how to play” you can already choose a ready event on the platform on any interesting to you topic and place a bet on the outcome you think will be the winning one. In function “how to create”, you just need to choose a theme you are interested in, upload all the necessary information about the event with the variants of the outcome and fairly get your profit from every bet made on the event.
However, it is very important to keep track of different events in the world and correctly process the information on the different outcomes of the event and the results in real time.
Twitter Q2) From @Iwillmakeyouha3
What are some prominent features that make Oracula Project ahead of other blockchain-based projects?
Julia: Here, I would like to elaborate more on our tokenomics. As I’ve already mentioned, we have a lot of features that differ us from our competitors, but let’s dive into our great tokenomics.We have small initial mcap and as our product enters the market, our mcap will be only $310,000. This shows that the token has enormous growth potential compared to its competitors, whose capitalization is clearly larger. As an example, due today one of our competitors mcap is amounted to $302,000,000. I hope you realize the potential and room for growth of our token!
What else is important, our tokenomics was created as the most attractive and beneficial for our investors, and for the stable growth and development of the platform itself. That’s why the most part of total emission is dedicated to the rewards in staking & farming pools.
The third most important part is for marketing goals, rewards, promo campaigns, bonus programs and promotion. These tokens have a well developed model of vesting, thanks to which we hope to turn our token into a valuable and reliable element of our assets portfolio.

Team tokens will be locked for 12 month before they will start to get vested in portions for another 24 month. This shows our long-term plans and the great interest in the development of our product.
Twitter Q3) From @JosephAyoola19
I am interested in the Fair play feature of Oracula I read about, according to the web it says “Oracula focus to be practical and able to operate at a velocity that satisfies its users” but this doesn’t explain the Fair play feature, can you tell us in details about this?
Julia: As I said, Oracula has no staff analysts and no middleman, giving you worst options for your bets. Only you and other players! Also, blockchain operates in betting with the usage of smart contracts for payment automated odds on a decentralized platform. With the help of blockchain there will be ensured and created the most trustworthy and fair betting platforms, as it offers increased security and reduces the possibility of human error.
In future we will implement such feature as oracles inside Oracula. So there will be a group of members to determine winning answer of any event placed in Oracula. We are removing all of the links that one could find suspicious from the platform. In the end it will be only user against other users and everything happening through blockchain leaving no options for cheating or unfair play. We will explain this fair play feature in one of our articles before implementing it. But that’s an important part of our journey as we aim to before the most trustworthy prediction markets platform out there
Twitter Q4) From @kkcryptoio
What gives you hope for the survival and long-term success of Your initiative in the near future? Do you consider community feedbacks and needs as you develop your project?
Julia: Our community is the heart of the project and we really care about the growth of its users and their feedbacks. We do our best to satisfy the needs of our community and moreover, we have a great and experienced marketing team which works really hard in developing a large-scale strategy for marketing promotion and make everyday news for our community. Moreover, much effort is put into increasing our community every day via entering different markets and develop promotion in social networks. Our strategy includes PR, community growth, advertising, promo giveaways and much more. As Oracula stands out as a project that appeals to a wide range of people who share a common interest and affects various types of events, our audience is potentially increasing with every day!
Twitter Q5) From @sofi_crypto
It’s easy to make a token but it’s really hard to make this token valuable? So what’s your strategy to make your token more valuable and what’s your plan to maintain token price and supply?
Julia: As I’ve mentioned, we have developed burn & buyback systems along with Governance where people will decide which mechanisms to turn on for healthy growth of the product. Users will be able to make such important decisions about future of the platform, along with burning & deflationary mechanisms, new features, partnerships and etc
Q1. Many projects have problems with UI / UX and this one turns off new users. How do you plan to improve the interaction with new users and with users outside the crypto space?
Question by Celal Bayar
Julia: We will have a number of articles describing work and usage of Oracula platform and it’s features. Along with that we have a highly experienced team working on the product to be the most user-friendly as possible and visually appealing interface on Oracula, by using the most promising and modern technologies in the world of cryptocurrencies.
We are sure that even users with zero experience will have no problems in understanding how to use our platform within a few minutes. Along with articles, we will have hints and tips within the platform and support team. So we think we will provide most easy and fun way to use of Oracula platform.
Q2. Currently a lot of people are looking at NFTs, metaverse, and games. Can you tell me what advantages will you have in this field future?
Question by Nur
Julia: yes, NFT will influence on a lot of factors inside the game process, making sure it is used as much as possible, because it is a trend in 2022 and beyond, cause we want to be at the forefront with our product With the introduction of new features to the platform and the growth of the community and audience, we will release an additional incentive in the form of NFTs with unique features and capabilities that will give even more power to our users in making important decisions regarding the development of the platform, and additional earning opportunities. In this direction, we are considering some partnerships, but we will talk about this later, closer to this goal.
as for the Metaverse, this is really interesting and we will consider it. also, with the implemenation of DAO mechanisms, you can bring this question up for discussion and if the majority of users support it it can be implemented.
Q3. Can you list 1–3 killer features of this project that makes it ahead of its competitors? What is the competitive advantage your project has that you feel most confident about?
Question by Ktahana
Julia: 1. No middleman and no staff of analyst giving you the worst options for your bets, instead we will have dynamic independent coefficients formed by the players themselves
2. Tokenomics. we have small initial mcap and as our product enters the market, our capitalization will be only $310,000. This shows that the token has enormous growth potential compared to its competitors, whose capitalization is clearly larger. As an example, due today one of our competitors mcap is amounted to $302,000,000. I hope you realize the potential and room for growth of our token!
3. Oracula is totally community-driven platform, each user can personally track all the transactions and processes on the platform, and as a holder decide about all of the exciting features to be developed, regulating fees, participating in votings for partnerships,burns, next milestones, deflationary mechanisms and wealth of the project
Q4. Where I can get the latest updates or more information about project?
Question by Md Rashed
Julia: here are more details about us:
and our pitchdeck is here:
As our official listing on PancakeSwap will be in the end of April, now you still have the ability to participate in the private alpha launch of the platform where you will be able to win free tokens! You can find all the relevant info here:
Q5. Your project name seems to be very interesting. Does it have any story behind it? Can you share us with the inspiron for approaching to this name?
Question by chukky
Tanya: If we go back to the ancient civilization, in many cultures for a long time people through the oracle (a place where divinations were given) wanted to find their place in the universe, trying to look into the future. The oracular centers were also used for divinations by birds, celestial phenomena, the entrails of animals, and dreams. It was used by all and played a decisive role in what actions both states and individuals took.
In modern language, an oracle is also understood as a predictor of the future, we saw a great connection in it with our idea, and that’s how our unique name Oracula was born.
Host: It’s been an Amazinf session so far,
Before we call it a Day,
Would you like to add anything else ?
Julia: Thank you for such great AMA! Just want to whish you all the best and we wait all of you in our warm community!