AMA Recap: Mega Ventures x MJackSwap
Host: 1. First of all please give us an introduction of yourself and background.
Also, Tell us about your team, How big is your team right now?Please write “done” once you complete your answer!
Adam Esperanza: Hello Everyone!
My name is Adam Esperanza, and i’m the marketing Head of MJackSwap.
I have been in the crypto industry for the past 4 years,Working with some of the best NFT projects before joining MjackSwap.I was working with another industry,I think, crypto will be an important part of the future metavers.It will also bring jobs and new technological revolutions to more people.So , I changed my profession, and here I am now, working as the marketing Head for MJackSwap.
We have 5 members working in our team, they will come in front of you very soon, we will succeed our plan and come among you all.
Host: 2. Introduce us to “MJackSwap” and the concept behind it,
How long have you been building this?
Adam Esperanza: “MJackSwap” cryptocurrency is the most valuable asset for people around worlds.We have been working on our project for the last 1 year, launched our project in February this year, our swipe system is already ready, where users can swipe smart chain tokens, low fees are acceptable,
we have some very interesting features on our website that we I will implement very soon🚀
Host: 3. Tell us about $MJACK Token and it’s utilities,
Also Kindly share more details about its sales and listings.
Adam Esperanza: We have already started developing our product, we have 80% of our tokens with our team, 20% with airdrop holders and private investors, we are starting the process of exchange listing through XT Exchange, you will soon see our project at an advanced level,
XT exchanger listing announcement :
Host: 4. Please describe the major and most important benefits that “MJackSwap” will provide to its users. And what distinguishes you from your competitors?
Adam Esperanza: Our project has many interesting features, NFTs which are now a hot topic in the entire crypto industry, we present it very simply, our another feature is exchange listing, we are already announcing the listing on XT Exchanger.One of our best interesting features is that you will soon see us on the Binance NFTs platform.we have many plans to make money from others, our users will be able to earn in many more ways including gaming, stacking, we will bring our features soon.🚀
Host: 5. Lastly, Could you perhaps explain your Roadmap to us? And what are your plans for the future?
Adam Esperanza: Well, our roadmap is very strong, as mentioned in our white paper, we are already completing our previous tasks properly, now we have the challenge of bringing exchange list and NFTs to market, which we will soon meet,we have already locked 204 BNB liquidity and our swipe option is already on, according to the roadmap we are going to be listed on the first CEX exchange,🔥
Host: Do you have a graphical representation of the roadmap available?
Can you share with us ?
Adam Esperanza:
6: Have you ever think about your competitors ? Like now we have lots of dex project and all are live. So why you think you can do better than them ?
Question RahmanShadeed
Adam Esperanza: I acknowledge that there are larger decentralized exchanges in the market than ours, they have gone up a lot, but it is very difficult to move them from there, we are adding new earning features to our website, from which our users can easily earn, but those who go up Gone are the days of not being able to add new features if they wanted to, we take NFTs very seriously,🔥
7: Why your project named Mjack ? Is it’s related with Michael Jackson or just named Mjack ? What is your projects main motive to grow?
Question by Srajon3
Adam Esperanza: The reason for naming MJack is our personal, we don’t want to reveal it now, we have come up with a plan to do something big in the market, which we will announce in a big way after it is finished, The main objective of the project is to introduce the swipe system to everyone through very low fees..🔥
8. As i can see your listing Announcement in Xt exchange. You started with small exchange is it for starting or you have some big exchange coming soon ? What is your openion about partnership ? Do you have any big investment backup ?
Question by Zadeed4
Adam Esperanza: We have a lot of our own funds, we don’t need any investors, yet we are moving according to our plan, XT exchange is just an example of that, we have an agreement with a bigger exchange, you will be announced later.🔥
9: Do the #MJACK holders have the right to participate in the governance of the project? On what kind of decisions can they vote on about the project? AND Do you have any plan to create other features? Maybe yield farm, stake, or NFT project? Can you explain in more detail?
Question by wandacharter
Adam Esperanza: Adam Esperanza, [15/03/2022 7:31 PM]
All the holders we have, all diamond hands, if you look at the liquidity status on our pancakeswap, you will understand that our token has been in a stable state for a long time, so our next news will help our token reach the moon, very you will see our project in binance NFTs platform.🔥
10. To what extent does mjackswap increase the value, liquidity and utility of the coin? What advantages can we gain by holding $MJACK?
Question by norm_life
Adam Esperanza: If you look at the other swipe projects they have already completed all their activities, so their price is very high, we have just come to the market, we have a lot to do, we will announce all our activities continuously, then our price will go much higher. The rest of the features including staking, farming when these will be available, our token usecase will increase a lot,
Q1. How Much Taxes in Buy & Sell both?
and where i can buy your token right now?
pleasd help me sir🙏?Question by FreddieClarkjsjs
Adam Esperanza: Buy and sell tax 12%
You can buy right now through 2, find our contract address at PancakesShop, or from our website
Contract address : 0x4Dad73719c4F4D5197b89c19460b1171d800097d
Presale link :
Q2. What are the goals of #Mjackswap which will make it effective and effecient concept in crypto industry?
Question by LouisStewartvh
Adam Esperanza: Our main purpose is to present the crypto market to everyone in a beautiful way, to swipe through low fees and to give ordinary people the opportunity to earn,
Q3. When will your tokens be listed on the exchange and which exchanges do you plan to list on in the future?
Question by kilangmela
Adam Esperanza: We are already thinking of doing IEO, we already have an agreement with XT Exchange, you can visit the link below.
Very soon we wil listed in many more top exchanges 🔥🚀
Q4. Staking programme is very important for any project, I wanna know Can i stake your token? Do you have any plan of starting staking programme?
Question by kynghue
Adam Esperanza: We are going to launch our own project on Binance NFTs platform very soon and NFTs is a very complex subject which we are making very easy.🔥
we have already launched the staking system, it will be further enhanced in future.
Q5. How safe is your platform? Has there been any Audit so that its safe from bugs and smart contract is fully audited?
Question by buoncuoiqua
Adam Esperanza: Our Smart Contract is already audited. To further improve the platform, we will take the Audit certificate
Host: Thank you once again @AdamEsperanza for coming into our community and answering all our questions.
AMA is concluded
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